Well, and so the wonderful artsPeak Festival of the Arts is over for another year.  As ever, it has been a full-0n weekend of awesomeness, filled to brimming with talented artists, artisans, writers, musicians, street performers . . . .  The weekend this year has been characterised by the gift of friendship and connection it has brought.  It’s been all about deepening connections and friendships and I am once again humbled to be part of such a community. 

The weather today was kinder than expected, so my Holga and I took a stroll through the Rolling Sculpture classic car show as part of the wondrousness of this weekend.  The street performers were performing around the park today as we strolled, and I shot an entire 120 film on the gorgeous Art Deco cars and fabulously steam-punkie engines.   I can’t wait to see the results!  When that ran out, I turned to the Sony Cybershot for just a few more . . .  Enjoy!